If you're planning on selling or closing your business and you have an outstanding loan balance, you need to contact Parafin. For business sales or transfers, Parafin must be notified at least 30 days prior to the sale or transfer occurring. If you're planning on closing your business, Parafin needs to be notified as soon as possible. In both cases, Parafin will work with you to walk you through the necessary steps to repay your loan obligations and finalize your account.
Because of the nature of the financing we give access to and obligations it creates, a sale or transfer of your business must also receive Parafin's consent to the sale prior to the sale taking place. Please see our Loan Agreement for more information.
All loans are issued by Celtic Bank, a Utah-Chartered Industrial Bank, Member FDIC. All loans and offers are subject to credit approval, identity verification, and are subject to periodic review and may change without notice.
Loans are governed by the Loan Agreement and Parafin’s Privacy Policy. Bank transfers are subject to review.