Your loan repayments are sales-based. That means that repayments increase if you have more sales and decrease if you have fewer sales.
Since your repayments are sales-based, the amount of time it takes to pay off your loan varies depending on how much business you’re doing. If you’re having a slow period, it will take longer to repay. If you’re making a lot of sales, your loan will be repaid faster. We’ll continue collecting a percentage of your sales until the loan is fully paid off, which can be up to 18 months.
Please note that there is a monthly minimum repayment that will be collected every 30 days regardless of sales performance.
All loans are issued by Celtic Bank, a Utah-Chartered Industrial Bank, Member FDIC. All loans and offers are subject to credit approval, identity verification, and are subject to periodic review and may change without notice.
Loans are governed by the Loan Agreement and Parafin’s Privacy Policy. Bank transfers are subject to review.